Taylor & Martin

Trusted by homeowners across Scotland

Ready for a change?

Looking to find out how to change property factor? Our service is an investment in the well-being of your most valuable asset – your home.  Talk to us about how our bespoke service provides value for money and peace of mind to you and your neighbours.

We helped over 500 homeowners switch in 2023. Are you next?

Just follow these simple steps:


Get in touch
(either using the online form below or by email info@taylorandmartin.co.uk or phone 0141 353 3049


We’ll have an initial chat to find out about your property and needs.


We need a few documents from you, don’t worry we can help you find them.


We’ll present you with a proposal for you to share with your neighbours. If you need help engaging with your neighbours you can download the Proposal Letter below.


We’ll be happy to attend a meeting of your neighbours and we can answer any questions.


You notify us that you’d like to progress with switching to Taylor & Martin.


We notify your factors, or provide you with the required wording to do so.


Once the notice period with your current factor has come to an end, we’ll host a kick-off meeting and get started!


Click to access and download the relevant documents.

Ready make the switch?

7 + 11 =


Case Studies

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Scotland’s Top Developers